Report Violations

What Can Be Reported

Our platform aims to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all users. We encourage you to report content or behavior that violates our community standards.

Reportable Content:
  • Illegal items or services
  • Fraudulent listings or scams
  • Harassment or threatening behavior
  • Hate speech or discriminatory content
  • Spam or misleading advertisements
  • Copyright violations
  • Personal information shared without consent
Account Verification

Verify your account to build trust in the community. Verified accounts help create a safer environment and enable better communication between users.

Verify Account
How to Report

To report a violation, please send an email to:

When reporting, please include the following information:

  • URL or location of the content
  • Description of the violation
  • Your username (if you have an account)
  • Screenshots or evidence if available

Our moderation team will review your report as soon as possible and take appropriate action.

What Happens After You Report
  1. Our moderation team will review your report within 24-48 hours.
  2. If the report is valid, the content will be removed or appropriate action will be taken.
  3. You may be contacted for additional information if needed.
  4. The person who posted the content may be warned or have their account suspended depending on the severity of the violation.

We take all reports seriously and appreciate your help in keeping our community safe.